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Bialystok (Poland)

Bialystok is the biggest city in north-eastern Poland with the population of  350.000 people. It belongs to this part of the country which is called the Green Lungs of Poland. It is ecologically clean region, rich in various tourist attractions like the wilderness of the Bialowieska primeval forest, the marshes of the Biebrza river valley, the many charming towns, villages and quiet spots of the region of Podlasie. The history of Bialystok is several centuries old. Its specific character has been shaped in an atmosphere within which many nationalities, religions, cultures, customs and traditions have been able to co-exist.  The city has always been the home of Poles, Belarussians, Jews, Lithuanians, Germans and Tartars that is why our local dishes origin from Polish, Belarussian or Tartar cuisine.    

Zespół Szkolno-Przedszkolny Nr 3 w Białymstoku, Poland

We are a public primary school with nursery units. We have 325 students aged 5-12, 36 teachers and 14 administrative
Staff. The classrooms are well-equipped with multimedia facilities and we have modern indoor and outdoor playgrounds for sports.  The school's aim is to support and inspire our students in their comprehensive development to
become wise, sensitive, responsible, creative, concerned and helpful member of the local society and the world citizen. The school activities are planned in consideration of all the social issues relating to our school and local area: relatively high unemployment, single-parent families, absence of one parent working abroad. We also provide various assistance and particular educational approach for special needs students.
There are also children of post-communist states refugees at our school who need extra attention to integrate with their peers and adapt to the new life conditions.   Students
participate in wide-ranging after school activities and projects developing their skills and interests. The school is taking part in many projects concerning future professional life of our students – ‘Good job, good life’, health – ‘Fruit, vegetables and milk at school’, sports – ‘Run for health’ or ‘Keep fit’, volunteerism – ‘Lucky 13’, ‘Noble gift’ or ‘Light it up blue’ on World Autism Awareness Day. Our students and teachers cooperate with other Polish and European schools thanks to eTwinning projects. We would love to share our experience with other European schools and inspire each other to meet  high standards of European education in each partner school.
There are four teachers (two of them are active eTwinners)
and the management staff directly involved in the project but 
the rest of the teachers will support all the activities during the project.

ul. Piastowska 3D

15-207 Białystok (Poland)


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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